Healing Binge Eating and Becoming Emotionally Softer

Binge eating is all about hardness towards your feelings. Healing binge eating is all about softness towards your feelings.

It's time to soften, to breathe, and to allow your feelings.

When we binge eat, we are suppressing emotions that we aren't wanting to feel.

It is understandable, given our childhoods, why we might not want to feel our feelings.

Based on how our emotions were treated, and how our parents dealt with their own emotions, we end up with judgements, anger, and fears about feeling emotions.

However, while it is understandable that we want to suppress our feelings given our childhoods, it is also a hardened way to respond to ourselves emotionally.

Binge eating is all about hardness and harshness.

To heal binge eating, we must adopt a completely new muscle of responding to ourselves.

We need to be soft to our feelings. This means we need to allow them to flow, to welcome them without judgement or condemnation.

We need to be soft to our sadness, soft to our fear, and even, soft to our anger and rage.

Even anger and rage needs non-judgement, welcome and allowance if it is to ever heal.

Start to notice how you are being hard towards yourself when you overeat.

What happens when instead, you relax, breathe, and let yourself feel whatever you feel?

I can tell you that one of the things that will happen is you'll no longer want to binge eat.

Photo by Quinn Simonson via Unsplash


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