Alive with Gabriel August 2008
Once again, it is time for a summary of this month’s ‘Alive with Gabriel’ teleseminar. As always, you can sign up for the full 2 hours of video/audio by clicking here. This time, Gabriel has added on another section to the seminar.
Usually, he has done 1/2 on Nutritional/Health, and 1/2 on Spirituality. Now, he is adding on another section on Relationships.
I personally find it very interesting that Gabriel feels it that important to have his three main topics Nutritional/Spiritual/Relationships.
As always, the Spiritual section was really awesome, and the new Relationships section was wonderful too – Gabriel is a great person to hear talk about relationships.
I got too into the spiritual/relationships part and I didn’t take any notes, but I did on the nutritional part, and here they are:
Topic: SALT
We can think of ourselves as skin enclosed bags of salt and water – we are really like an ocean
Our blood is the composition of the ocean
Table salt is not the salt we will be talking about – it is sodium chlorite with bromine (which is a poison) and the body does not absorb it.
Salt is vital for the sodium-potassium pump that occurs across cell membranes
The electricity from good salt builds up the membrane potential
Water and salt is the key to our nutrients
Salt is vital for producing hydrochloric acid –> digestion
Good salt has 72-84 minerals
Salt is a powerful antioxidant
Salt is the frequency of life force
Healthy salt does not raise blood pressure; can even help blood pressure drop
Addison’s dissease has been helped by giving people salt
30% of salt is stored in bone structure – osteoporosis is connected to lack of salt and sodium
Lack of salt is connected to hypoglycemia
Adrenals are a key stress organ which require salt – enough salt helps manage stressed adrenals
Salt is very good for vata constitutions – salt balances vata
Salt is fine for pitta
Salt is usually not a concern for kapha, because kaphas tend to retain water anyways
The negative ions released from salt are healing – ex. himalayan salt lamps
In cities, negative ion generators are wonderful for us, such as the himalayan salt crystal lamps, or other negative ion generators, even something like a waterfal in homes
Salt that is heated becomes covalent
Recommended salt – ionic, mined salt which is extracted from the veins of salt mines – this is the highest frequency salt
Celtic sea salt can carry ocean pollution in it – sea salt has a tendency towards carrying fungal infections
Himalayan salt is ionic and doesn’t have a lot of pollution
Also recommended – the product Soleil – mimics our blood plasma
Product Polar Mins is also excellent – it is ocean water from the South Pole and is very high in electricity – will increase membrane potential
Note: Color of salt has nothing to do with quality
OtherTidbits of Info
It is ok to take NCD Zeolite and salt together – they don’t affect eachother (nothing as far as Zeolite’s purpose is affected by anything else)
Early signs of dehydration include – rapid heartbeat, mental confusion, increased temperature, thirst
The best way to tell if we’re drinking enough water is that we should be urinating every 1-1.5 hours
Manganese is specific for building knee discs and other discs – discs are 75% water
Water Ionizers are no good – they create hydroxyl water – free radicals
The product called the ‘Aranizer’ – is both an ozonator and a negative ion generator (can be bought)